Roasted Quinoa Pilaf

Most people are aware of this nutritious grain, but cooking it seems to present a number of challenges.

As with any grain, the first thing to consider is an understanding of how much water will be absorbed during the cooking process. The next consideration is the cooking time and temperature; these factors create the proper texture – and digestibility. Finally, proper seasoning ensures a tasty result.

Quinoa absorbs about 1 3/4 times its weight in water content. Of course, some moisture will be lost through evaporation but that’s easily controlled by keeping the pot covered for most of the cooking

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Most people are aware of this nutritious grain, but cooking it seems to present a number of challenges.

As with any grain, the first thing to consider is an understanding of how much water will be absorbed during the cooking process. The next consideration is the cooking time and temperature; these factors create the proper texture – and digestibility. Finally, proper seasoning ensures a tasty result.

Quinoa absorbs about 1 3/4 times its weight in water content. Of course, some moisture will be lost through evaporation but that’s easily controlled by keeping the pot covered for most of the cooking period. Like most grains, quinoa does not like aggressive cooking temperatures, which is why I prefer to keep the simmer moderate – just strong enough to keep a slight bubble going. Lower temperatures also mean slightly longer cooking times than what is usually written on the package. Salting the cooking water is important to get the seasoning in the grain – just be careful because it’s easy to add too much salt without considering the concentration effect during the cooking of the grain.

I think benefits a great deal from a bit of toasting before it’s cooked in water or broth – this method really gives an added pop in flavor and helps the grain to evenly absorb moisture.

Finally, be sure to take the time to rest the pilaf after cooking – usually with some paper towels draped over the top and with the pot covered. This allows excess water absorption and creates that irresistible fluffiness.

Difficulty: simple
Yield: about 4-6 servings