Garlicky Lemon-Walnut Crumble

Warm earthiness…a slight crunch…spicy touches of garlic teasing your nose…and just a subtle hint of something resembling cheese. This is what you can expect from this versatile crumble topping that is more than happy to infuse your soup, pasta dish or roasted vegetable with a bit of texture and flavor.

Toast your walnuts and breadcrumbs, give them a pulse in your food processor and mix everything else into your nutty combination – that’s it! Keep this mixture refrigerated for 3-4 days.

Difficulty: simple
Yield: makes about one cup

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Warm earthiness…a slight crunch…spicy touches of garlic teasing your nose…and just a subtle hint of something resembling cheese. This is what you can expect from this versatile crumble topping that is more than happy to infuse your soup, pasta dish or roasted vegetable with a bit of texture and flavor.

Toast your walnuts and breadcrumbs, give them a pulse in your food processor and mix everything else into your nutty combination – that’s it! Keep this mixture refrigerated for 3-4 days.

Difficulty: simple
Yield: makes about one cup