Mushroom and Cabbage Vegan Pies

Who doesn’t enjoy a warm pie on a cold day…you know, the kind of day that penetrates to your bones and leaves you shivering?

Whenever I encounter these kind of days, I like to turn to making a pie that can be picked up in your hand – a self-concealed package of comfort and warmth.

This pie uses a standard filling I like to use during the cold months, but any kind of filling can be used in this versatile recipe. Keep your filling a bit on the moist side to create steam and allow the filling

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Who doesn’t enjoy a warm pie on a cold day…you know, the kind of day that penetrates to your bones and leaves you shivering?

Whenever I encounter these kind of days, I like to turn to making a pie that can be picked up in your hand – a self-concealed package of comfort and warmth.

This pie uses a standard filling I like to use during the cold months, but any kind of filling can be used in this versatile recipe. Keep your filling a bit on the moist side to create steam and allow the filling to expand slightly. A bit more moisture also prevents the filling from feeling and tasting too dry – and that added steam and moisture inside the pie transfers the heat more efficiently…keeping you and the pie hot.

I like the combination of mushrooms and cabbage – an ideal combination that marries warm umami flavors with the assertive character of wilted cabbage. The partnership creates a warm glove for your soul…and a comforting smile to your face.

Yield: makes about 8-10 hand-sized pies