
If you have never experienced rouille, then you are certainly in for a treat if you make this version. Use it as a dip or spread for your favorite sandwich. I like to enjoy it with poached asparagus or artichokes, raw vegetables, dribbled over steamed potatoes, used in a stew or as a spread for your favorite sandwich or just on toast. See…you will have lots of options to use this tasty classic!

This French-inspired dip/spread is mostly prepared in the same way as a mayonnaise – that is to say using a raw egg yolk and emulsifying

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If you have never experienced rouille, then you are certainly in for a treat if you make this version. Use it as a dip or spread for your favorite sandwich. I like to enjoy it with poached asparagus or artichokes, raw vegetables, dribbled over steamed potatoes, used in a stew or as a spread for your favorite sandwich or just on toast. See…you will have lots of options to use this tasty classic!

This French-inspired dip/spread is mostly prepared in the same way as a mayonnaise – that is to say using a raw egg yolk and emulsifying the other ingredients. It will last just about one day and tastes rather heavy.

Using bread instead of the egg yolk creates a smooth rouille that is more flexible – especially if using a high-speed blender. The bread creates a stable emulsion and you can easily adjust the thickness of the dip/spread by adding more or less oil during the mixing process.

Yield: makes about 2 cups