Vegan Mozzarella

Who doesn’t like a good tomato-mozzarella salad? Well, I would certainly be a member of the I-love-tomato-mozzarella-salad, but there is one problem – I don’t eat cheese!

Mozzarella cheese is one of those iconic Italian classics that works so well in pizza or salads. Traditional Mozzarella di Bufala is a curd cheese made from the fat-rich milk of water buffalo and very simple to slice. It is plain-tasting and soft and works really well when sopping up juices (like tomatoes and olive oil), which is why it is often used in salads and pizza.

Making a completely vegan version that

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Who doesn’t like a good tomato-mozzarella salad? Well, I would certainly be a member of the I-love-tomato-mozzarella-salad, but there is one problem – I don’t eat cheese!

Mozzarella cheese is one of those iconic Italian classics that works so well in pizza or salads. Traditional Mozzarella di Bufala is a curd cheese made from the fat-rich milk of water buffalo and very simple to slice. It is plain-tasting and soft and works really well when sopping up juices (like tomatoes and olive oil), which is why it is often used in salads and pizza.

Making a completely vegan version that emulates the function of true Italian cheese is no simple task. I have tried many versions (both purchased and self-made) and most are rubbery or taste too much like tofu. My newest version is different. It is soft and comes very close to the more traditional mozzarella. This is truly my new favorite plant-based cheese and it is simple to make! Just make sure you start a day ahead of when you need it.

Yield: makes about 500 grams (about 1 pound)