Whole Roasted Garlic

Roasting garlic works best in spring and summer – long before garlic cloves sprout.

Roasting garlic produces soft cloves that are simple to squeeze out of their skin. The flavor is much sweeter than raw garlic because the natural sugars are slightly caramelized. But don’t be fooled. Despite the deliciousness, roasted garlic imparts an aftertaste that remains for a day or two.

I like to use roasted garlic to spread on grilled bread, mix into puréed potatoes, or boost the flavor of quick meals made in a pan – something like beans and vegetables.

Difficulty: simple
Yield: makes enough

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Roasting garlic works best in spring and summer – long before garlic cloves sprout.

Roasting garlic produces soft cloves that are simple to squeeze out of their skin. The flavor is much sweeter than raw garlic because the natural sugars are slightly caramelized. But don’t be fooled. Despite the deliciousness, roasted garlic imparts an aftertaste that remains for a day or two.

I like to use roasted garlic to spread on grilled bread, mix into puréed potatoes, or boost the flavor of quick meals made in a pan – something like beans and vegetables.

Difficulty: simple
Yield: makes enough for 4-6 appetizer servings